This machine is designed for specialized ripping round Iog. Main characters and functions as follows: Machine has up saw arbor and down saw arbor with small and thin saw blade diameter, can process big diameter log to save energy consumption. Flat saw cutting surface without planning; Multi cutting at a time which improves efficiency. Automatic centering to improve using rate of wood. Drive feeding to increase tension.Stable feeding, can saw short,rough and hard wood. Cooling saw blades and spindles by water to remove grease which can keep them longer life.Convenient saw blade changing. Only need to change spacer size for different cutting without adjustment.
","downname":"","downurl":"","prev":{"cid":142,"c_sid":44,"c_title":"Up and Down Multi Rip Saw For Log MJY142-40","c_pic":"","c_pagename":"/up-and-down-multi-rip-saw-for-log-mjy142-40","c_link":""},"next":{"cid":134,"c_sid":44,"c_title":"Up and Down Multi Rip Saw For Log MJY142-30","c_pic":"","c_pagename":"/up-and-down-multi-rip-saw-for-log-mjy142-30","c_link":""},"count":1,"specs":[],"skus":[],"product_summary":"This machine is designed for specialized ripping round Iog. Main characters and functions as follows: \n\nMachine has up saw arbor and down saw arbor with small and thin saw blade diameter, can process big diameter log to save energy consumption. \n\nFlat saw cutting surface without planning; \n\nMulti cutting at a time which improves efficiency. \n\nAutomatic centering to improve using rate of wood. \n\nDrive feeding to increase tension.Stable feeding, can saw short,rough and hard wood. \n\nCooling saw blades and spindles by water to remove grease which can keep them longer life.Convenient saw blade changing. \n\nOnly need to change spacer size for different cutting without adjustment. ","product_image_video":"","brand_manufacturer":"","product_code_spu":"","extension_title":"","extension_content":[{"extension_title":"","extension_content":""}],"product_price":"0.00","need_show_price":0}
Šī mašīna ir paredzēta specializētajai apvalkošanas darbībai. Galvenajiem raksturiem un funkcijām ir šādi: mašīnā ir augšējā un lejasējā zāģu grīdas ar nelielu un smalku zāģu blatu diametru, var apstrādāt lielu diametru logus, lai ietaupītu enerģijas patēriņu...
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